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Give as you Live Online is the easy way to shop and raise money for Faith Christian Group (Reading) CIO.
Simply sign up for an account and start raising when you shop through Give as you Live Online at any of the 6,000 retail partners. From your handy Dashboard, just click on the retailer you want to buy from and you'll be directed to their website where you can continue to shop as normal. Your purchase will automatically generate a donation for Faith Christian Group (Reading) CIO!
From holidays and travel, to clothing and gifts, you can raise hundreds of pounds just by shopping online with Give as you Live Online.
Choose a charity and enter your details.
We have over 6,000 stores involved.
Visit the store via our website or App, then shop as normal.
We make a free donation to your charity - how?
Here are just some of the stores partnered with Give as you Live Online.
Sign up and start shopping today!
Give as you Live members have raised over £35 million for 40,000 UK charities so far.
Join the growing community using Give as you Live Online to support their favourite charity.
There's no catch - it's just an easy way to raise with your online shopping.
Sign up today and shop for Faith Christian Group (Reading) CIO!
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