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Sorry, Eden Park aren't available

Unfortunately Eden Park are not currently a retailer on Give as you Live Online. Don't forget, you can still raise FREE donations by shopping with 6,000+ other stores.

Eden Park have 55 exclusive boutiques across France, plus another 74 exclusive boutiques and 400 stores all over the world. The collection caters for men, women and children, and they also offer an exclusive homeline collection and designer accessories.

No donations available

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Give as you Live Online generates charitable giving from your everyday shopping. Our retail partners value your loyalty. We enable their "thank you" to be your donation to your chosen charity.

Find out more or watch our 60 second video

You can support any of our 200,000+ UK charities.

Our charities range from big national charities to local schools, churches and social groups.

As a "thank you" for sending them sales and customers, our stores pay us a commission. We use this commission to make a donation to your chosen charity.

You don't pay anything extra for your shopping, the donation is made at no extra cost to you.

It's also completely free for your charity. There are no joining or payment fees for them, so 100% of the donation will reach the charity.

We pay donations raised through shopping to your charity every three months providing over £15 has been raised. If your charity hasn't reached £15, donations will roll over until they do and then get paid in the next quarter.

You can view the status of every donation within your account. A donation will typically move from 'pending' to 'approved' to 'paid' over the course of a few months.

We donate 50% of the commission we receive, with the other 50% used to fund the on-going development of Give as you Live Online, which is free to all charities and members.

All donation amounts we display represent the amount the charity will receive - a 5% donation means a 5% donation!